a5c7b9f00b In the not-so-distant 2029, the entire mutant race is almost obliterated, and Logan, the invincible bestial superhero once known as the Wolverine, finds himself getting old, and his incredible healing ability significantly weakened. As an incognito limo driver, Logan does his best to guard and keep out of sight a weary nonagenarian Professor Xavier; however, things will take an unexpected turn when a cryptic woman asks him to transport the young mutant girl, Laura. A better future lies past the Canadian borders for the unaccompanied teenager, but the government is unwilling to let go of its asset so easily. In the end, can the ageing Logan protect both himself and Laura? In 2029 the mutant population has shrunken significantly due to genetically modified plants designed to reduce mutant powers and the X-Men have disbanded. Logan, whose power to self-heal is dwindling, has surrendered himself to alcohol and now earns a living as a chauffeur. He takes care of the ailing old Professor X whom he keeps hidden away. One day, a female stranger asks Logan to drive a girl named Laura to the Canadian border. At first he refuses, but the Professor has been waiting for a long time for her to appear. Laura possesses an extraordinary fighting prowess and is in many ways like Wolverine. She is pursued by sinister figures working for a powerful corporation; this is because they made her, with Logan's DNA. A decrepit Logan is forced to ask himself if he can or even wants to put his remaining powers to good use. It would appear that in the near-future, the times in which they were able put the world to rights with razor sharp claws and telepathic powers are now over. When Logan heard that his comic book would work in a similar way, my expectation was a little more. Later Logan's first trailer ended me. The tone of the trailers, the selected music, the intensity of the emotion was superb. I did not get my eye from X-23 in action scenes. Very good performance. <br/><br/>Sir Patrick Stewart, like Hugh Jackman, is the last time to portray the role of the X-Men in the universe. And gave a very good feeling and left the film with more drama.<br/><br/>Logan, beyond his superhero films, a fickle old and sick man. He is constantly showing the struggle with himself. Unlike other films, violence and action are not adorned with visual effects, they are given in a very hard and realistic way. These old mutants are trying to save the children to make the world a better place.<br/><br/>It's an action that will be an Oscar nominee from Hugh Jackman. Logan, it's a goodbye we cannot forget for a long time. 9/10 I went to see this last night. I haven't seen every X-Men movie but I didn't feel I'd be missing out on too much judging by the premise and reviews I read. Logan (wolverine), Charles Xavier (professor X) and a mutant called Caliban - who I wasn't familiar with - are keeping a low profile on the Mexican border. All the other mutants are gone. Logan is struggling with ailments and doesn't heal as quickly as he used to and has taken it upon himself to care for Xavier as he struggles with a degenerative brain condition. They're trying to see out their days in anonymity when their peace is interrupted by a woman and a girl trying to make their way to Canada while being tracked by dark and sinister forces. It concentrated more on story-line for the plot immediately going forward rather than going into the back story in any great detail. I think this made it more watchable for anyone who hadn't been following all the previous films. Normally superhero movies are written and made with the widest audience in mind. So typically their suitability tends to be from an early teenage audience upwards. Sometimes pg for the widest audience possible. I assume one of thoughts going into the making of this film was that those who have been following the franchise since the very first X- Men movie are that much older now. So, rather than making a superhero movie, a movie was made that happens to have superheroes in it. As a result, if strong language was needed to emphasise emotion or intensity it was put in without effecting the demographic audience. The same with violence to portray conflict and rage. I read one review that said it played out more like a futuristic western than a superhero movie and I got that feel too in places. Indeed there were a few references to, and clips from an old western (the name escapes me) with Jack Palance. Do I think all these factors had any detrimental effect on the potential and actual audience? Well there were only three or four seats left when I was buying my ticket and there were reactions from the audience during the movie, so no. The action never seemed too contrived or artificial relative to the content of the movie and any cgi was minimal and blended in well with the scene. When things got slow it was still carried well by the experience of the main actors so I never lost interest or got impatient waiting for when they got back to the action sequences. Overall it was worth the admission price. The loner has to learn to put someone else first. It’s both as manipulative and hokey as that sounds, but occasionally it works well enough that you might find yourself getting choked up against your better judgment. The last of the X-Men, an aging James "Logan" Howitt (<a href="/name/nm0413168/">Hugh Jackman</a>) and his dying longtime friend and mentor Charles Xavier (<a href="/name/nm0001772/">Patrick Stewart</a>) become the protectors of Laura Kinney (<a href="/name/nm6748436/">Dafne Keen</a>), an 11-year-old mutant girl from the corrupt Alkali-Transigen corporation. When they discover the corporation is using mutant DNA samples to create and control mutants and use them as weapons and that the corporation also created Laura from Logan's mutant DNA, they set out to take Laura to Eden, a refuge for mutants, and Logan makes his final stand as he fights Alkali-Transigen that are after Laura and other mutant children that they created. While this film's story pulls inspiration and story ideas from several Wolverine comic book stories, the film itself is not an adaptation of any particular previously-published story. The story most noted for inspiring this film is Mark Millar's 2008 "Old Man Logan" mini-series. However, the final film bears no resemblance to that comic book except for minor thematic parallels. Hugh Jackman has stated through multiple media outlets that this movie will be the last time he plays Logan/Wolverine. Patrick Stewart has also said in multiple interviews that this would be the most satisfying ending for his portrayal of Charles Xavier. However, Stewart seems generally more open to returning for small cameos than Jackman. Stewart has particularly said that he is not against making an appearance in a Deadpool sequel or episode of Legion, but the idea and offer would have to make sense for him. Logan is set in 2029, which is six years after the future setting of X-Men: Days of Future Past. Director James Mangold said in interviews before the film's release that the story takes place after the "good" future seen at the end of Days of Future Past. Some examples of Mangold saying this can be read here and here. However, fans have debated this idea from the announcement of the film and continue to debate it after its release, since some key continuity does not match perfectly between Logan and Days of Future Past, even when considering the theoretical time travel elements presented in the earlier film. Examples of fan debate on Logan being a direct sequel to Days of Future Past or not can be watched here and here. Given the hints present in this film, it's been suggested that this film takes place in continuity after X-Men and X2: X-Men United (2003) but ignores any other films in the series. Hints to this include that the original X-Men film is referenced the most; also Logan says, "There haven't been any new mutants born in 25 years." The original X-Men was said to take place around 2004-2005. If Logan takes place in 2029, that means that the pathogen that caused no new mutants to be born was released shortly after the events of these films. Given that Dr. Rice, Pierce and the Reaver team are employed by Alkali research, it's possible that the pathogen was released when the Alkali base was destroyed and got into the water supply. Creating another timeline. It's possible that this can be set after the events of the "good" ending of Days of Future Past. Sure, the movie is set in 2029 and Logan said that a new mutant hadn't been born in 25 years and at the end of Days of Future Past we see lots of kids at the Xavier school. But it's possible that those kids weren't mutants. In Apocalypse, Xavier said he planned to make the school open to mutants and humans, so that could be one way to explain Logan being a followup to Days of Future Past.
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